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T1 knocked G2 Esports out of MSI 2024 with a 3-0 win

G2 Esports will have to settle for a top 4 finish at this year's MSI 2024 after being outclassed 3-0 by Korean giants T1 in their battle for survival in the tournament.

Before the match, G2 gave European fans hope by providing excellent resistance to the T1 team in their previous meeting when T1 defeated them only after the decisive fifth game, and then when they ran over the Chinese runner-up Top Esports with 3-0.

G2 went into this match with high expectations, but in the end it turned out to be true that T1 just played much less well in their previous encounter, and that this time they were fully prepared for whatever G2 threw at them, controlling the match from start to finish. the very end.

In the first game, G2 got a slight lead in gold early in the match, while T1 focused on dragons. In the early stages of the game we didn't see too many kills, G2 trusted that Hans Sama on Draven would be able to carry his team because as the game progressed he had more and more gold compared to the opponent, but everything fell apart very quickly as they started team fights.

Zeus hunted down Hans Sama perfectly with Camille, while Gumayusi slowly gained strength on Kalista and became an increasing problem for G2. Oner was great on Sejuana and G2 couldn't stop them with Kha'Zix and LeBlanc when they needed it most, giving T1 the lead after only 26 minutes of play.

In the second game, we saw a very bad start by Faker, who very early had a 0-3 score on Azir, including a "gifted" kill on mid. However, T1 again played much better on the map and they managed to make up the gap they had, and after half an hour of play they find themselves within reach of victory. G2 managed to save the nexus, which survived two hits to collapse, but they didn't leave the defense in the base but rushed Baron, which Faker took advantage of and ended the game by teleporting to the opponent's base.

The third game also lasted a little over half an hour, Caps finally got Tristana, but in the end it wasn't worth it. Although they started the game well again, T1 knew exactly what to do, and when it seemed that G2 could reach Baron, T1 put an end to the third game and thus the entire match with a great team fight.

Tomorrow, they will play against China's champion Bilibili Gaming, who have already beaten them once in the tournament. The winner of this match will play in the grand final against Gen.G for the MSI 2024 Championship.

MSI 2024

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