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One of the most talented young Serbian LoL players, Đorđe "Shy Carry" Stišović, accepted the offer of the Movistar Riders team and will compete in Spain from the next season.

Portal SheepEsports was the first to report the news of the transfer, after which we also received confirmation from a source close to the player that a verbal agreement between the player and the club had been reached.

The current Movistar Riders bot lane has been promoted to LEC team MAD Lions, David "Supa" Martinez Garcia and Alvaro "Alvaro" Fernandez del Amo will compete in Europe's elite LoL league next year, forcing MRS to find new players on ADC and support position.

Shy Carry drew attention to itself with great games this year in the Esports Balkan League, where it reached the finals in the spring, and finally lifted the trophy in the summer season and became the champion of the Balkans. In addition, he has experience at the EMEA Masters, where he played with Diamant twice this year.

For now, there is still no indication of who could be his bot lane partner next season, but according to rumors, BISONS players Will "NoName" Jones and Adam "Random" Grapple are coming to jungle and mid.

Only top laner Pedro Jose "Marky" Serrano Berzosa will remain in the team from last season.

Shy Carry
Movistar Riders

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