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Hwei, the Visionary is the newest LoL hero

A new mid laner is coming to LoL, his name is Hwei and he is one of the most complex heroes to come out in the game so far.

Modeled after Dota's Invoker, Hwei combines his magics and has a total of 10 different skills at his disposal. On Q he primarily has damage skills, on E he heals and protects his teammates, while on E he tries to control and limit the opponent's movement.

Hwei comes from a region called Ionia, and uses his skills to deal with criminals and help their victims. He is the 166th overall hero in LoL and the last hero coming out in 2023, and was introduced by Riot during the World Championship finals that took place in the South Korean capital on Sunday.

Unlike the rest of the heroes who use magic and skills on Q, W, E and R, Hwei will use special combos that include QQ, QW, QE, WQ, WW, WE, EQ, EW and EE in addition to the already existing commands.

Because of the complexity that it brings, Riot has released a visual representation of the activation of his skills as well as a description with a short video clip explaining what each of them looks like, which you can watch in the link from Twitter below.

Hwei appeared on the PBE server yesterday and soon we can expect him in the official version of the game, and if he proves himself well - already in the spring and in all leagues of the world.

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