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Doublelift ended his career - this time permanently

The most decorated American LoL player Yiliang Peter "Doublelift" Peng told fans in a video message that he has decided to put an end to his rich career as a professional esports player.

Doublelift, who already "retired" once at the end of 2020, only to return this year and play both 2023 seasons in the 100 Thieves jersey, this time claims that he is done playing permanently.

Through the retrospective of his rich career, he said goodbye to the fans and explained his decision in detail, Doublelift explained that returning to play this year required a certain financial sacrifice because as a player he received less than as a streamer, and that this would only be the case next year because budgets in the LCS are getting smaller and smaller.

Let us remind you that the LCS has reduced the league from 10 to eight teams for the next year and is trying in every way to prevent the collapse of the American LoL league, which has been in huge trouble for a long time.

Doublelift also added that he feels he wants to start a family more and more, and that playing professionally would prevent him from focusing on the things in his personal life that are his priority now.

He added that despite all the success he achieved in his career, he still has great sadness and regret for not being able to win the World Championship and achieve success on the international stage, but he realizes that that dream has become unrealistic and that the LCS is now too far from a chance to fight for the title of the champion of the planet.


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