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G2 defended the title of LoL European champion

G2 Esports triumphed in the finals of the 2024 LEC winter season with a 3-1 win against MAD Lions KOI and thus continued to rule Europe's elite LoL league.

The unstoppable G2 lost a total of only two games during the entire playoffs and once again confirmed that they have no competition in Europe. They will once again have the honor of representing Europe at MSI 2024, and they won the new trophy in exactly two hours of play.

MAD Lions KOI managed to take the lead and once again show everyone the quality that brought them to the finals, but they couldn't do more than that against a much more experienced team.

In the continuation, G2 took control of the match, and how dominant they were is best shown by the overall performance in the next three games of the top laner BrokenBlade, who achieved 14-1-34 almost, and the jungler Yike, who marked the final, was no less impressive. pentakill in the fourth game, with a total score of 23-4-44 in his team's victories.

In the fourth game, MDK had a potential trump card to level the score in the form of 7-0 Varus on a bot played by Supa, but G2 simply knew how to neutralize him and prevent their opponents from creating a surprise.

G2 will have little time to bask in their triumph, as the LEC spring season kicks off on March 9.

G2 Esports
MAD Lions

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