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Relog Media


Sprout has been a serious organization that develops players for a long time, and they recognized the talent in our young player, Petar Živanović.

He will continue his career in the academy team of this organization, and this will be his first professional contract. We had the opportunity to watch him in the last played version of RES, where he played for the Sangria team. He managed to record a 1.11 HLTV rating, which is commendable considering that they also had a very difficult match against BNE during their participation in the tournament.

Congratulations on the first big transfer in your career, how satisfied are you with the chance you got, is this the ideal environment for your progress?

Zecco: Thank you. I'm honestly very happy with the chance I got and I don't think I could have had a better team at the beginning of my career. This project is very good for all of us, because it teaches us how a professional should behave during the game itself, but also how to behave outside of it. 

How did Sprout reach out to you, how did you gain their trust and become part of their big project for the future?

Zecco: Coach Feed was looking for a young player for this project and a couple of people from the scene recommended me. I had a conversation with Sprout management that went well for me and I'm glad they chose me for this project.

You are currently on a bootcamp in Relog, how are you doingš in the role of a professional, how do you feel about the teammates you met recently?

Zecco: I honestly agree with my teammates baš Okay. Although we are all from different countries, we fit in very well. Šregarding the first question, I still don't feel like a pro because we have yet to start practice, but I believe I will do well.

How did your parents react when you told them about your interest in the organization, you are still quite young and attendš middle š car?

Zecco: To be honest, they didn't have any reaction. Of course they were happy for me, but
again, they know next to nothing about esports, so they weren't surprised at all
offer. Fortunately, I have reasonable parents, so signing was not a problem.

Does it haveš any advice for young players who dream of being where you are nowš?

Zecco: Create a daily routine that will be respected and not skipped, and I think everything else will come naturally, with time.

A nice opportunity for our young player, it rarely happens that a big organization finds and gives a chance to young players from our area. It was DEPRESSHN the last time, and now Zecco will start his journey and gain the necessary experience to one day realize his dream and play the biggest tournaments in the world.


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