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Aleksa Stankić may be an inactive player at the moment, but until recently he was considered one of the best snipers in the Balkans. The crown of his career so far is playing in Valiance, with which he managed to qualify for DreamHack in Marseille. He wore the jersey of 4glory until recently, when he was only one win short of going to RMR. Šta Impulse is currently working and what are his plans for the future, you can find out in the following interview.

Alexa, thank you š for accepting the invitation. Ever since the organization 4glory went out of business, you were left without a contract and after that we haven't seen you in any other team, at least when it comes to canter. You played Valorant for a while, you even competed in a LAN tournament in Croatia. ŠWhat did you like about Valorant and is it still plannedš to play itš, or maybe CS2 attracted you and you planš return?

Impulse: Bye, you're welcome. I liked Valorant at first, especially their matchmaking system and in general some things like the hitbox and it šit feels like the game is "new", but no, I don't see myself in it for a number of reasons I can't now I would state. The main plan is still CS, or CS2, but we'll see.

So we can agree that CS is better than Valorant?

Impulses: Yes.

(Here I wanted to ask him if maybe World of Warcraft is the best game, but I decided to skip that question)

Have you had a chance to tryš CS2 beta, how do you feel about some of the news we know so far?

Impulse: Šregarding the CS2 beta, I still haven't received the key so the only ŠI know is what ŠI've seen in clips from content creators. The changes seem interesting to me, I mostly like everything except the HE + Smoke combo, I think they will have to nerf that detail. Also, I hope it fixes the tickrate issue, which a lot of people have complained about.

It is known thatš at the following IESF to perform together with Infected Nation. Given that they broke off cooperation with DEPRESHNN a few days ago, is there a chance for him to stay? in the team if you achieve a result? Would you like something like that?

Impulse: I will play for Ination as a standin at IESF due to obvious restrictions (all players must be from the same country). They decided on another move šit concerns the team, and I was certainly inactive for a while, but the plan is to get back in shape šas soon as possible.

Ever since I've known you, you've always played sniper in your teams. Specifically in 4glory, you also knew that the leadš team while performingš that function in the team. Can we perhaps expect something similar, or even a change in the position you've been playing so far?

Impulse: One of the main things I've decided is to not play AWP anymore and to lead, I'm either going to be IGL or I'm going to play AWP, but not both. After the gaming break, I'm not as attached to the sniper as I was before. I also switched to stretched, finally? (smile)

In a private conversation with one of your former teammates, I got the answer that he would specifically like to try out with some new, younger players, who have a different, new view of the game. Would you personally like to playš with some of his former teammates when CS2 comes out, or would he like to tryš with someone new?

Impulse: The right move is certainly to play with younger players, but it would not be bad to include someone with experience in the team. Time will tell, if Valve decides to make a somewhat normal ranking system, maybe that's where a few new people will emerge.

Još something I heard just before this interview, that you had an offer to beš coach. Canš to tell usš nešto višothat?

Impulse: That's right, I had an offer from the American team Wildcard, but my working hours and some other circumstances are not baš were the best fit. Also, my opinion is that I am capable of more a couple of years to play at a high level, the coaching role can come later. In general, coaching is not a foreign concept to me, but I would still not make such a move.

A couple of times on social networks, you have criticized domestic organizations for opting for international rosters. If we use the example of Infected Nation and Partizan Esport, your statement is correct, although Partizan recorded excellent results at one point, but failed to go to RMR. Does he still thinkš that the international rosters are wrong and that there are enough players here to make a success on the world stage?

Impulse: I think it is unnecessary to talk about this topic at all, but I will repeat that I think that international teams succeed only if at least four players of that team are some S tier (the best), this means that are capable and ready to play canter at the highest level (FaZe, ENCE, etc…). If we manage to tame the Serbian mentality, playing in the mother tongue gives the teams an additional advantage. On the question of whether we have enough players, I'm not sure, but I hope that in CS2 that picture will be much clearer.

Did you watch the current Major in Paris, who do you think is the favorite?

Impulse: Yes, I follow him as much as I can get. My favorite is certainly G2, mostly because of Hunter, but also objectively they play very well.

Thank you š for taking the time for the interview, I wish you luck in the continuation of your career and to showš the best so far right in the CS2 version of the game!

Impulse: Thank you tooš once šyou called me


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