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The last tournament of the season took place in Washington, and the winner of the spring BLAST tournament is the Danish team Heroic, which defeated the best team in the world in the final.

Vitality opted for Vertigo, on which they didn't get the desired result (9:16), but they managed to return the favor and beat the opponent's map pick, Mirage (16:10). As many times before, Inferno was the deciding map, and jabbi made sure that his team brought a new trophy to their team display cases towards the end of the season. The half ended with a score of 8:7 in favor of the Danes, who dominated the T side in the second half and thus won.

He was also the MVP of the tournament, and this is the first time that this nineteen-year-old has received that recognition. He was at his best when it mattered most. After the match, he said that with this tournament they proved above all to themselves, that they can achieve success. 

With this victory, Heroic secured, in addition to a large cash prize, and will study at the World Finals tournament organized by BLAST, which will be held at the end of the year in Abu Dhabi. As you already know, Relog Media is in partnership with this organization and you will be able to follow the broadcasts of all their tournaments on our streaming platforms, as well as on the TVARENAESPORT channel.


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