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Although many at the beginning of the tournament did not believe that they would read or see something like this, ENCE is the new šchampion of IEM Dallas!

After an epic semi-final match against FaZe and a 2:1 victory, ENCE scheduled a duel against MOUZ in the grand final. Two teams that were far from the role of favorites at the very beginning of the tournament, but with their play, both of them certainly deserved to be there!

The match started on Mirage map, MOUZ pick, and Alvaro “SunPayus” Garcia shone like never before in the black and orange jersey. With a phenomenal game, the špan sniper brought his team a victory on the first map with a score of 16:9.

After that it was Nuke, and ENCE played anotherš one safe map and finished the job in the style of the best in the world (16:10), for 2:0 and the first LAN title for this Finnish organization. from Blast in Madrid in 2019 when ENCE performed in a very different lineup. 

At the same time, Š panac Alvaro “SunPayus” Garcia won the MVP title of the tournament.

This is also the first S-tier title for the man who made the entire Balkans cheer for ENCE near the small screens and at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas. Pavle “Maden” Bošković was one of the key šrafs in the ENCE machinery, especially in the semi-final match against FaZe clan. 

IEM Dallas is behind us, and for all future events from the world of esports, follow us onš portal, channel TVARENAESPORT, our streaming platforms and social networks.


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