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All participants of the third season of the RES Adriatic League are known

All participants of the third season of the RES Adriatic League are known

With the victory of the Miracles team in the fourth qualification, the list of teams that will fight in the new edition of RES is completed.

The list of participants in the competition is headed by last season's champions Bad News Eagles, who now perform under the new name Guild Eagles after being taken over by British organization Guild Esports. The most successful team from the region is struggling to get back to the very top of the world CS2 scene after success at the previous two Majors, and winning the RES League and qualifying for the EPL S19 EU Conference would be a good first step to get back on their feet.

Like last season, invitations were received by Jake Bube, for whom we still do not know in which team they will perform, and Zero Tenacity, which is currently the only team in the top 100 on the world HLTV ranking list. The fourth invitation was given to the RUR Esports team, which also competed last season, when they finished in last place.

In the first qualifiers, the team Amigos, represented by: fanatic, serda, gagi, BUBAZWER and bi, won. They earned a spot in the tournament with a 13-11 win on Anubis against iDeustructive in the final qualifier.

In the other qualifiers, The Suspect team played by: HYPERI1, BledardD, Caleyy, vaIoN and Rand made an incredible breakthrough through the losing streak after losing against the PORTUGAL team in the first round, and after four consecutive victories, they defeated PORTUGAL in the fight for the main tournament and with a convincing 13-4 triumph over Inferno.

The Illyrians team (gamezilla, v1w, deb0, cerber, ammar) celebrated in the third qualifier where they won without losing a game, but they struggled in the finals against Teiko High, which they won only after overtime on the Ancient map with a score of 16-13.

And in the last qualifiers, we watched an extremely uncertain battle in the finals in which the Miracles team (Consume, Riil3, styleez, stressarn, dojca) beat apathy 13-11 on the Ancient map and in the last round of the regular part of the map got the precious final slot in the upcoming competition.

The new RES season will be played from November 20 to 26, and here are the pairings of the first round of the winner's bracket:

RUR Esports - Amigos
Zero Tenacity - ILLYRIANS
Guild Eagles - Miracles

RES Adriatic League
Zero Tenacity
Guild Eagles

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